ATC Services
- SAM Control Will provide radar service within all the airspace.
- Airport information will not be provided
- Approach procedures will not be provided
- Point 2 and 3 could be provided if a local APP controller is online
and request to SAM FSS station some separation and a local restrictions.
- ATC services are not provided below FL245
- ATC services are not provided above FL600
ATC coordinations
All the FSS stations will control only the upper airspace (above FL245) with
radar service (just like Eurocontrol do on VATSIM). When aircraft enter in a
controlled CTR, the FSS station will transfer the aircraft to the local ATC
online and viceversa.
When aircraft are near to the limits of the FSS station, the aircraft will be
transferred to the next FSS station or to the UNICOM frequency 122.80 if no
other ATC is online.
When the FSS station are controlling aircrafts and the local CTR position
opens, the FSS controller should transfer immediately the aircrafts to the local
Flight Level Rules
All FIR's in the sectors, except SCEZ, SCTZ, SCFZ and SCCZ
Hdg 360° - 179° FL Odd
Hdg 180° - 359° FL Even
Hdg 030° - 209° FL Odd
Hdg 210° - 029° FL Even